The stress value of mucosa on bilateral molar teeth alveolar ridge crest was relatively larger. 双侧磨牙区牙槽嵴顶处的黏膜应力值相对较大;
The stress variation and the maximal stress of bones caused by Distractor El are great and it is suitably used in the cases with good conditions of the primary alveolar ridge crest. 皿型牵张器应力变化较大,且骰且织援你如也较大,适用于原牙槽峙状况LI:WRf的病例。
Observation and measurement of mandibular canal and the distance from it to alveolar ridge crest crystal-a study with 100 cases of mandible 100例下颌骨下颌管形态及其至牙槽嵴距离的观测研究
Results: 1.Under vertical load, the most extreme stress values were located at the alveolar ridge crest distal/ mesial to the abutment of two type of attachment. 结果:(1)在垂直载荷下,2种附着体基牙在牙槽嵴顶处均有应力集中。
The Study of Microflora on the Local Area of Alveolar Ridge Crest Mucosa Related to the Tissue Surface of Different Pontics 烤瓷桥体龈端形态与牙槽嵴顶粘膜间的微生态研究
Objective: To investigate the influence of three pontic types on alveolar ridge crest mucosal microecosystem and select a more appropriate fixed pontic design for clinical dentists in order to improve the quality of fixed pontic and patients lives. 目的:探讨烤瓷桥体龈端形态设计不同对牙槽嵴顶粘膜微生态的影响,以寻求固定桥桥体的临床优化设计,从而提高固定桥修复效果,改善患者生存质量。